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Banana Moon Nursery Sale – Ofsted Inspection Rated Good with outstanding features

Inspection date 22 November 2018
Previous inspection date 23 November 2017

This inspection: Good 2

Effectiveness of leadership and management Good 2

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good 2

Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding 1

Outcomes for children Good 2

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good

Leaders have created an open, tolerant and ambitious culture, underpinned by thoughtful reflection and a focus on support. They have ensured staff and parents share their high expectations and determination to secure the best possible outcomes for children. Consequently, rapid improvements have been made since the last Ofsted inspection and this nursery is now good.

Exceptional support is in place to support children’s physical and emotional well-being. Children have phenomenal levels of self-confidence and demonstrate an impeccably strong sense of belonging. They behave remarkably well and show genuine care, love and affection toward one other.

Children’s physical development is well promoted. Staff provide good opportunities for children to engage in professional sport coaching activities and swimming lessons. Children display good levels of physical endurance and dexterity.

Staff support children’s communication and language development effectively. They use music lessons to hone in on communication barriers and skilfully introduce new vocabulary during children’s play. Children of all ages are confident and competent communicators.

Partnership working is a key strength of this nursery. Links with the local authority, external professionals and parents are rooted in respect and trust. Parents are kept well-informed of their children’s developmental progress and receive regular newsletters.

It is not yet outstanding because:

The arrangements for professional development are not focused sufficiently on improving teaching to an outstanding level

What the setting needs to do to improve further

To further improve the quality of the early years provision the provider should:

Build on the current programme of professional development in order to raise the good quality teaching to an outstanding level.

Inspection activities

The inspector observed the quality of teaching during activities indoors and outdoors and assessed the impact this has on children’s learning.

The inspector held a number of discussions with the management team. He looked at relevant documentation, including children’s learning records, and reviewed evidence of the suitability of all persons working on the premises.

The inspector completed a joint observation of an activity and evaluated this with the manager. The inspector spoke with children and staff at appropriate times during the inspection.

The inspector took account of the views of parents spoken to during the inspection.

Inspection findings

Effectiveness of leadership and management is good

The dedicated manager and provider are uncompromising in their aim to secure the best possible outcomes for all children. They have worked tirelessly since the last inspection to bring about significant change and aspire to be outstanding. Safeguarding is effective. Staff have a good understanding of the signs, symptoms and indicators of possible abuse and neglect. They know the referral procedure and are aware of wider child protection issues. Self-evaluation is robust. Improvement plans are sharply focused and the views of children, staff and parents are included. Staff are deployed well and a high staff-tochild ratio is in place. Staff attend regular supervisory sessions and are set challenging targets during appraisal meetings. Staff receive regular in-house training and keep up-todate with policy changes.

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good

Good teaching, close monitoring and personalised learning programmes help all children to make good progress, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. Strong external support and rigorous intervention plans ensure gaps in learning narrow at a rapid rate. Staff have a good understanding of child development and use this well to plan fun and interesting learning opportunities. Babies giggle with delight while exploring custard, sand and water. They become fascinated while shaking musical instruments and show good concentration skills while operating cause and effect toys. Toddlers delight while playing with dinosaur figures and show good physical agility while climbing on low-level apparatus. They enjoy looking at books and giggle with delight while splashing in water. Pre-school children articulately count and skilfully write their names. They work harmoniously to complete puzzles and enjoy building train tracks.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding

Care practices are phenomenal. Staff go above and beyond to ensure children feel safe, secure and settled. They provide outstanding opportunities for children to be physically active and have recreated the outdoor area in to an oasis of adventure. Children articulately discuss the importance of healthy living and staff teach them extraordinarily well about the world in which they live in. Children are remarkably well-rounded, tolerant and respectful individuals. They articulately discuss the importance of keeping safe and manage risks during their play superbly well.

Outcomes for children are good

Children of all ages make good gains toward the early learning goals. They demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning and are well prepared for their move on to school. They develop strong bonds and are keen to take on new challenges. Babies beam with delight while listening to nursery rhymes. Toddlers giggle while enacting roles of superheroes. Pre-school children decode simple words and enjoy completing an assault course outdoors.

@BananaMoon - 5 years ago


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We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 39 Northenden Road

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